
3 unobvious warning signs you should quit your job

3 unobvious warning signs you should quit your job

How do you know when it’s time to quit your job and move on, especially if you’re job falls into the “Not terrible but not great” category? Here are 3 unobvious warning signs that are early indicators you should look for a new position. If you started out in a particular career path or role and loved it, but now it’s not-so-great and you’re trying to decide if you should stay or go, this blog will help you make that decision.

Should I quit my job? 6 questions to help you decide

Should I quit my job? 6 questions to help you decide

The great resignation is here, and a lot of engineers and technical professionals are asking: should I quit my job right now? Learn 6 questions to ask yourself to determine if you should stay in your current role or quit right now, including insights into the ideal time to leave a job (see #4) if you want to get the biggest salary bump.

Turn the Job You Have Into the Job You Want Through Job Crafting

Turn the Job You Have Into the Job You Want Through Job Crafting

How can you take the job you feel “meh” about it and turn it into something more fulfilling? This is the subject of today’s blog, the second in a two-part series that discusses how I created more fulfillment through a process I accidentally stumbled upon called Job Crafting. We teamed with SE Impact to give a webinar on this topic last week, and you can see the full video in this blog, as well as get a worksheet to help you use this process to create your own career happiness.